Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Leaving on a jet plane
We leave at 8PM our time, arrive at 11PM Pacific Time, and Danny gets in line soo after for the "Fabulous 60 Minutes Price is Right!" :)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Pet Peeves
Although I can probably fill a book with all my peeves I will limit myself for your sake.
Here are 3 of my peeves :
* People who can't wait their turn. Whether in line or in traffic, they try to cut in front of you one way or another. I also hate whe I am standing in line and the person behind me is literally on top of me! I like to step back and step on them on purpose. Ooops, I'm sorry! You shouldn't be on top of me you idiot!
* Store employees who do not acknowledge your presence with a simple hello. Along the same vein, they slam your change on the counter and don't even say Thank You.
* People who do not understand what a STOP sign is, especially a 4 way stop. I hate it when people attach themselves to the bumper of the car in front of them and just swing on through.
That's it for now. What are your pet peeves??
**** Oh my, how can I forget my major peeve. Women who pee all over the toilet seat! Yuck! A little common courtesy for crissake!****
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I am such a sap!

Everytime I watch these movies I cry like a huge baby. Funny thing is, I don't know if I cry more during the movies or the commercials.
Today I watched Crossroads. Although I like to think that I am a forgiving person, this is a tough one.
Prom Headache
Now for a quick parenting rant. While we were at lunch, we had to sit through our meal with the kid at the table next to us running around and crawling under tables. At one point he found a piece of bread under another table and ate it. Then he almost tripped the waiter who was holding a tray loaded with food. All the while the parents did nothing totally oblivious to the angry glares from everyone around them. They just sat there perusing the menu. I am a mom, my kids were little once upon a time... they NEVER did anything like that.
I am off to watch the Amazing Race. Still rooting for Danny & Oswald, they crack me up!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I Dream of (being) Jeannie

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I'm so cold!
Yesterday's news was shocking & terribly sad. I got a headache watching & thinking about the victims & their families. Just as I get headaches & heartaches thinking about our troops on a daily basis. I know this post makes no sense, just my ramblings of disgust.
I also want to link you to Heather. She really needs our prayers right now.
Bloggers are getting together to send Heather and her family some love! Jada and BooMama have organized a day of love for Wednesday, April 18th. Please read BooMama’s post all about the special day.
On a lighter note, Haley is hosting a contest for a Coach bag just for fun. Be sure to check it out and even if you don't want to enter, just say Hi.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Psycho Mommy on Board
Danny & I try to take trips on our own at least once a year. Actually, this only started about 7 years ago or so when the girls were a bit older. Not when they were really young. Except once. We went on a weekend cruise when my oldest was only one and I was pregnant w/ my 2nd. Highly recommended by everyone for "alone time". Actual time away 2 1/2 days. We spent a major part of the cruise talking about the baby to each other & to whoever would listen! People were probably hiding from the psycho parents. It got to the point that my arms literally hurt from not holding her. We were laying out on this beautiful private island, having yummy (virgin) froo froo drinks. This bahamian lady walks by selling some necklaces & stuff and trailing behind her is this tiny baby girl about my daughter's age. If they thought that I was psycho before, they had not seen anything yet. I begged Danny to ask her if I coould hold the baby. I'm actually telling him to give her money to let me hold the baby! I remember that I was practically crying. Psycho I tell ya! He wouldn't do it, but could you imagine!
At this stage, I still miss them when we're apart but I'm not that extreme! The girls actually like when we leave because my mom comes over to stay with them. They prefer her cooking. Only because she actually does cook! So it's a vacation for them too.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Wicked Weather

After 2 weeks without a Diet Coke, I gave in and had one. That's not so bad is it? Weekends & Diets just don't mix. Especially since everyone is my family is a saboteur! I have no will power whatsoever!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Maybe I Should Buy A Bike
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Come on Down!!!!

I used to love this show and I still watch when I get the chance. It's on at 11AM here for crissake! I have always wanted to go see TPIR live. And who knows, maybe I can be one of those that wins a host of fabulous prizes on TPIR! But first I have to "come on down" and not trip and fall on my face!
I just got tickets to a taping while we are in California! Yahoo! or maybe not. From what I hear people are lining up as early as the day before. We arrive at 11PM and the tickets are for the very next day. I booked a room for one night right across the street. So what we are going to do is this. The minute we get to the hotel & check in, I go to sleep and since Danny loves me so much he is going out to make the line. I have never in my entire life slept on a side walk. I have never made a line for concert tickets or X-Boxes, and I know I won't be able to now. so while he does, I will get some shut eye. According to him, he doesn't go on vacation to sleep, so there ya go! Maybe he will win all the fabulous prizes!
The rest of our trip will be spent mainly in San Diego. We have never been there so I hope it is a good choice!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Diets Suck!
We leave for California in 2 weeks. At that time all bets are off. I do not diet on vacation! So, it seems like I will be doing Phase 1 after vacation too!
In other not very interesting news but outrageous enough for me to mention. We are in the process of finding a company to paint our house. We found this company at the home show which claims their "coating" lasts a lifetime and prevents, mold, mildew, cracks etc. The sales guy was here for a freaking 3 hours!!! First number he gives us is 27K! What the heck?? He then says that we get 25% off from the home show. Yahoo! That brings us down to aboout 20K. When he saw that we weren't biting, in typical "car salesman" style he says "Let me call my manager and see what he says. Comes back with $14,800. No go on that. He finally said rock bottom $12,900. You know, Danny thought really hard about it because it sounds like a good product with a lifetime guarantee (although it's double what it would cost to just paint) plus they have a 1 yr interest free plan. But when Danny asked to let us think about it and go over our finances, the guy says that the price he gives us is only good for today. Oh well buddy, you just wasted 3 hours! He would have saved so much time by giving us a price from the beginning! Plus I hate it when they beat around the bush, just give me the real price from the get go! 27K? how would I tell Kat that she can't go to college because we need to "coat" the house???
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Spring Break Comes to an End
Thursday, April 05, 2007
What Should We Do???
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
What's the World Coming to???
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
California Here We Come... Again!
Monday, April 02, 2007
We went to the Saturday taping of Ellen's show. We got there around 11 AM and were able to chill in a lounge to about 1PM. At this time, they took us out to where the show would be taped. When I say "out", I mean "OUT". The show is taped outside. We sat there for a good 3 hours. I have a killer "farmer's tan", actually a burn on my right side, since that is where the sun hit me directly for 3 hrs. They were kind enough to give us water bottles, since I'm sure they didn't want a bunch of dead bodies in the audience. Whoever said that women don't sweat, that they perspire, flat out LIED!!! Thank God that I didn't forget my deodorant! The show was fun. There were tons of people. I would venture to guess about 1000 including the stand-by folks. I'm sure that I would enjoy a studio show better. The guests were John Cougar Mellencamp & John Stamos (Uncle Jesse) who is still yummy looking.
We were each given 1 year annual passes. Although I had sworn off theme parks, I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth so we went to the parks. If it were up to me they would have been on Ebay already (they each retail for $180) but Danny is a big kid. He doesn't mind the heat, the lines & the cranky people. So I see us going back several times before they expire. Oh Joy!
We watched the Mardi Gras Parade & caught a ton of beads! We didn't even have to flash anything! That would have been a scary sight though!
I'm happy to be home. I love my bed. Oh, and I hate 4 hour car rides!
*** I forgot to mention that the show airs on Wednesday. She has some really funny clips which almost made me pee my pants! Plus if you see a lady in a green top with white polka dots (looks like a maternity top), that's me!***