Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Free TV!!!!
Vegging Today!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Drumroll please.........
So without further ado, I will announce my winners!
Giveaway #1 for the Storyteller Photo Book Creator, the winner is Janelle. She is not a blogger, so I can't link to her.
Giveaway # 2 for the Scrapbook Organizing Book, the winner is Chris Reeder
Thank you all for visiting and joining in the fun. Special thanks goes to Random.org for making my life easier :) With 133 entries in one & 69 in the other, I really needed their help.
I will be emailing the winners shortly. If don't hear back from them by Monday, I will draw an alternate.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
You've had a bad day, er, week...
Today, she was let go from her job. She has only been there 3 weeks. When she interviewed, she told them right off the bat that she was starting at the university and taking full time credits. They hired her and said that would not be a problem. She signed up for early classes that would get her to work by 11:30AM on 3 days and by 10AM on the other 2 days. The office is open till 5:30PM. The way she explains it, it sounds like major office politics and drama. Apparently, some of the agents had refered another girl for the job and were upset that they did interview her before hiring. Huh?? They let another girlgo as well who had just started a few months ago for the same reason. Why hire them in the first place?? She turned down another offer in favor of this one. Now she has no job.
Two major learning experiences in one week. Poor kid.
Full House
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Just one more....
***This giveaway is now CLOSED.***
*** I will announce the winner by 5PM EST***
Since I got over 50 participants for my first giveaway, I decided to add another one. Same rules as the first one except this one I am opening up to International friends as well!! So, what am I giving away you ask?
How to Organize Your Scrapbook Workspace: Storage Solutions for Any Budget
How's that for a long title?
Anyhoo, If you would like to be entered for this drawing, just comment on here. If you haven't entered my first giveaway, head on over there as well. Only one entry for each prize please.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway is Here!!!
***This giveaway is now CLOSED.***
***I will announce the winner by 5PM EST***
Since I LOVE Giveaways & Prizes, I just could not pass this one up! Today is the first day of the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway! They already have 307 giveaways posted!! Holy moly! That is heaven for me. So in the spirit of the game, I am offering up a little prize of my own.
I am giving away a Storyteller Photo Book Creator retails for about $25. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post by Friday, July 27. I will draw a winner @ 5PM EST. That's it. Easy Peasy. Please be sure to leave a valid email so that I can contact you if you win. This contest is open to both bloggers & non-bloggers. But unfortunately, I can only ship to US addresses due to the high cost of shipping. Sorry :(
If you would like to participate in more giveaways head on over to Rocks in My Dryer and take a look at all the great giveaways. Fun!
** While you're here, please sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page**
Barbie is that you?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Cry Baby
So while we are waiting you hear tons of screaming, hollering & crying. I jokingly ask her to please not cause a scene when the dr. sees her and act like a big girl. When the dr. walks in she does a quick check up and sends her to the lab, where they prick her finger. She then gets three shots and starts crying! Funny thing is, she never cried when she got shots when she was younger. Plus, she donates blood every 3 months or so. Go figure! She came out of there with 4 Elmo band-aids, but I have no proof because she would not let me take a picture!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Doing the Happy Dance
I will post pictures soon.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
They're Baaack!
I am open for suggestions on how to get rid of them. Obviously the pool water kills them, but not all of them are stupid enough to jump in! "Oh, and I've heard it all before. "Don't try to rid yourself of the frogs. They eat the creepy crawlies" Blah, Blah, Blah! I don't need frogs to get rid of bugs. That's why I pay Orkin. I HATE frogs! I love my yard. I want to be able to enjoy it.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Kristyn Michelle

Today would have been my daughter's 16th birthday. Kristyn was my 3rd baby. She was a cutie patootie. She was a happy baby. She rarely cried and was usually smiling. My sweet baby girl was called to heaven too soon. She was only 4 month old. It was very unexpected. We lost her to SIDS. A piece of my heart is gone & I still miss her dearly! I will miss her till the day I die.
A child of mine, God said
For you to love the while she lives
And mourn for when she’s dead.
Or forty-two or three.
But will you, till I call her back
Take care of her for me?
She’ll bring her charms to gladden you
And - should her stay be brief -
You’ll have her lovely memories
As a solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay
For all from earth returns,
But there are lessons taught below
I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the whole world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from all beings that crowd life’s land
I have chosen you.
Now, will you give her all your love?
Nor think the labor vain.
Nor hate me when I come to take
This lent child back again.
I fancied that I heard you say
“Dear Lord, Thy will be done.
For all the joys Thy child will bring
The risk of grief we’ll run.
We will shelter her with tenderness
We’ll love her while we may -
And for the happiness we have known
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels come for her
Much sooner than we planned.
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try - to understand.”
~Author Unknown
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
It's getting hot in here!
Although we are hot as hell, Danny insists on heading up to Orlando because his cousin is there from NY. What that means for us is going to jam packed theme park, sweating like pigs, and being among other cranky, sweaty pigs! The girls and I are so over theme parks but Danny is as I have always said, my third child. Looks like this one won't be growing up any time soon!
**Oh, and if you haven't already done so, please sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page. Thanks!**