Here is the article. All I can say is that I could never be a defense attorney. Not for all the money in the world.

Miami, FL - Early Sunday morning, Hector Serrano, 42, roused his three children and loaded them into the family’s minivan to drive his wife, Mirian, to the Metrorail station so she could get to her early shift at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Hector didn’t like waking the kids at 4:30 AM, but he didn’t want to leave them alone, either. While stopped at a red light on their way home, their vehicle was rear-ended at full speed by a Chevy Trailblazer driven by Gabriel Delrisco, 40. All three children were killed instantly.
''There were no skid marks,'' said Lt. Pat Santangelo, with the Florida Highway Patrol , indicating that the SUV's driver did not brake.
The impact knocked the minivan across the intersection, said Santangelo. Its rear was crushed . . . giving the rear seat passengers no chance of survival.
The wreckage remained in the intersection for hours while Florida Highway Patrol troopers investigated.
Delrisco has been stopped and ticketed no less than 20 times since 2001. Twenty times. He was convicted of driving under the influence in 2001, and his license was suspended for six months. He was last ticketed in January 2008 for driving the wrong way on a one-way street. That ticket, like so many before it, was dismissed.
Hector Serrano, 10, and his sisters, 7-year-old Esmeralda and 4-year-old Amber died at the scene, as their father — despite a broken arm — tried desperately to pry open the rear door of the minivan. Esmeralda would have been 8 years old today. Their mother, Mirian, collapsed with grief at the accident scene. Hector Serrano says, ”She’s destroyed. My wife and I, now we’re left alone.”
There were no skidmarks at the scene. He never stepped on the freakin' brakes.