Why am I so riled up? Well, because one of them is trying to mess with my kid. And nothing ticks me off more than when they play dirty with my kids!
Kari got a call to babysit two kids. She couldn't make it so she told the lady that Kat could do it. Well, she quoted her the price and confirmed it with the lady. When Kat gets to the house, the lady rushes out the door and tells her that the kids are watching TV in the other room. Well, when Kat goes in the room, there are THREE kids. She does not charge the same for THREE kids. I told her that when the lady comes home, if she pays her for 2, to nicely explain that she charges more for 3 kids. (Although I wouldn't be so nice about it.) The lady is loaded. There is no reason for this.
Don't try to scam my kid or I'll beat you up!