I have been going to therapy 3x a week in the hopes of being able to walk like a normal person soon. Our trip is exactly TWO months away and I still can't walk for a long time. And to add to the fun, my Plantar Fascia is acting up. Never had a problem with it before the accident, so they're telling me that it is a complication from the fracture.
So how in the world am I going to be able to walk the streets of Paris & Barcelona????? Oh, and the 9 hour flight will probably be a doozy too. But in the end, I am looking forward to this once in a lifetime experience.
A huge plus is that my metal leg will not beep at airport security. How do I know this? Well, I took a last minute trip to visit my brother in Colorado. I did not beep at all! It's the little things that bring joy to my life!
Colorado was great. Loved spending time with the family and seeing the beautiful sights. Must definitely return soon, and next time with D. You know, in 23 1/2 years of marriage, this is only the 2nd time that I have traveled without him.
I hope everyone is doing well.