It's finally time for the party that we've all been waiting for over at 5 Minutes For Mom. You can bloghop and meet tons of new people and maybe win a prize! If you haven't already signed up, I think you still can. So head on over there and have some fun! My blender is at the ready and I will be mixing up some daiquiris and setting out some munchies. My music is pumping so let's get this party started!
Oh, and if you are visiting me for the first time, don't be shy. Step up and say Hello! I love to meet new friends!
I type off the top of my head. So you are likely to come upon tons of typos, run on sentences, bad grammar etc. On top of that my laptop tends to skip some letters sometimes so you will be guessing at what I meant to say, unless I catch it which I usually don't because I rarel proof read :) So how's that for run on????
So here's a little about me although it is all probably on this blog.
I am a mom to 2 teen girls & have been married to my DH for 19 years( on Monday). My girls & my DH are my life. I live in Miami (born & raised) and am a SAHM. My passion is traveling with our next major trip in Septemeber to the wonderful state of Hawaii! I can't think of anything else so for now I'll let you go back to your regularly scheduled partying!
Please sign in below so I can visit you if I haven't already done so!
Nice to Meet You!
So nice to meet you, Lissete!!
Hi Lisette! Love the song...we watched Top Gun incessantly when I was younger. Happy anniversary in advance!
Have a great time at the party and thanks for daiquiris!
Hello! thank you for popping by my party! :)
It's a pleasure to meet you Lissete!
Stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party!
So nice to meet you! I have two teens, a boy and a girl and an 8 year old who wants to be a teen. My passion - right now - is not traveling. I would love to stay in one place for a long long time. I hope you can stop by my blog.
Thanks for stopping by my place on the party circuit. :) You have a lovely name.
hi lissete! thanks for stopping by my blog...nice to meet you! :)
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the party!
Nice to meet you!!! Miami is beautiful!!! Have fun partying!!!
It is very nice to meet you. I am glad you stopped by my party to say hello!
I will have to poke around your blog. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog - thereisaseason.net
My daughter would love to come to Miami...she is 8, I wonder what the fascination is????? Can you enlighten me on what an 8 yr old would do in Miami?
I think I've let her see to much CSI Miami......LOL!
Great to meet you! I Love the fireworks!
Nice to meet you too! I wish i was going to Hawaii but I can't imagine being on a plane for 9 hours with my kids, God love 'em!
Hi, love your blog. Stopping by on my rounds of partying. I've read your posts and Oh My Gosh, do all we moms here in FL love to drive in our PJ's? My husband gets so frustrated with me. Before I started homeschooling I would drive my dd to school like that. "What if you have a wreck?" "OK" I say "You win. I'll put on my robe." LOL!
Thanks for visiting me at Sew Little Time. I will be sure and stop by again. Partying on to the next blog.
G'day from Australia, thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. Happy blog party!
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!
I loved the story about the pajamas camaraderie!
Happy Blog Party Week!
I see you are in Florida. I am a W. Palm Beach native and am soooooooo homesick for the sun and sand, lol. I live in IL now. Thanks for stopping by my party, it is very nice to meet you/
Nice to meet you. The song reminds me of my young teen years :) The trip to Hawaii sounds very exciting! Thanks for stopping by by blog.
I saw your Mojito recipe on someone les'e comments--great idea! And one of my favorite cocktails.
I'm so glad you stopped by and commented! I'm subscribing to you right after I comment. Sounds like we have a lot of similar likes- 70's tv, music and daiquiris! Make mine strawberry! Great party!
Man, you Miami girls really know how to party!
great party you ahve going here! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) see you soon!
thanks for leaving a hello on my blog - i was starting to get party anxiety!! ha ha ha i must confess i'm a little jeal-dog...not only do you live in FL, but you are going to hawaii!!!! i'm sitting here amazed that it is STILL snowing!!!! ;) here's what I love about your blog - you seem real, fun, you type words like "anyhoo", and you have a top gun reference! I loved that movie as a teen and had a MAJOR tom cruise crush - now I just think he's a bit creepo...just my opinion though :0) anyhoo (ha ha ha) I am leaving what could possibly go down as the longest comment EVER!!! have a great day and party on wayne! party on garth!
Thanks for visiting my blog party and the birth story of my daughter! It is nice to meet you. It is cold here today! I wish I could join you in Miami!
Just stopped by to say Hello! Lucky you living in Miami! Here in Toronto it's freezing!
Thanks for visiting my blog Lissete. You have such beautiful girls!
I drive my kids to school in my PJs too...and I always worry about the same things...even though school is 1 mile away!
Enjoy the rest of the party!
I'll take a tall strawberry margarita please!!
Thanks for coming by my party yesterday, sorry I was sick but it's nice to know that no one in blogland cares that I'm contagious!!
:-)p.s. I'm feeling much better!!
We went to Hawaii in 1999 for our 10th Anniversary--I loved it! Hope you have a lot of fun--thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for visiting the party at my blog and introducing yourself between bites of cotton candy. Can I have a raspberry daiquiri?? Mmmm...
I'm still recovering from my recent visit to sunny Miami. On Superbowl Sunday. Remember?? When it was ANYTHING but sunny? :-)
Happy partying!
I'm still recovering from my recent visit to sunny Miami. On Superbowl Sunday. Remember?? When it was ANYTHING but sunny? :-)
Happy partying!
Thanks for visiting my party....I'm now stopping by yours. Happy Anniversary tomorrow.
I want to HUG you...at least someone visited my blog from the Blog Party! Yes, I have left a LOT of comments on other blogs and nice comments too which haven't been returned! I figured I was being shunned! Thank God I have a family who loves and supports me in times like this!
Oh, I will have a daquiri please! Great party! You have such a beautiful family!
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party!!! Nice meeting ya.
Happy party week!!! PARTY ON!!!
My first party favor give-away has begun. Come over when you get a chance.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed seeing your photos! :) I also have my baby boutique blog here:
Great party and thanks for stopping by mine!!!
Hi..thanks for stopping by my party. I wanted to come say hi as well. Hope you have a fun week!
It's nice to meet you Lisette and thanks for stopping by my blog, fellow scrapbook hoarder :) If you are looking for some inspiration to get some scrapbook layouts done, let me know. I belong to a great small yahoo group that does challenges each week and it helps alleviate some of my supplies...if only to buy more hahaha!
Happy Anniversary to you and your DH tomorrow!
Hugs, Lisa
Hey, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog ... and serving up those daquiris!
Nice to "meet" you Lisette. And thanks for stopping by my party post as well! Enjoy the party -- I can't believe how huge it is!
Lissete, happy anniversary! While I was reading, I noticed your picture and 1) I can NOT believe you have two teenagers and 2) that you've been married for that long! You look great! Thanks for the invite over and thanks for checking out my site!
Nice to meet you! I love the song on your blog. It was so nice before Tom Cruise went off the deep end. Thanks for stopping at "my place". Come back again soon!
Hi there! Nice to meet someone with my same affection for the run-on sentence.
Party on!
Well...hello from the other side of the state!! I have teens, too. Your stress post above cracked me UP!!
Hope you'll stop by my blog party too.
:-) Susan
Hi nice to meet you
Hi - so nice to meet you! I love the song you have playing today (Take my Breath away - oh, the 80's!)
Thank you for stopping by to visit. I'm trying to get through the list of partiers, but I know what you mean...it just keeps growing. I'll probably spend the next 6 months trying to get to know everyone! LOL! That's cool!
Enjoy the rest of the party!
Hi! We're up here in Lakeland, Fl. It's nice to meet other sunny people.
Hi, nice to meet you! I like the way your blog looks.
Hey Lisette! Glad you could stop by the House o' Glamour the other day. Those strawberries definitely look like they were worth risking your life...yummy!
Popping by for the Party! Love your blog! I have fun exploding bubbles on my party post (chemistry experiment)! Some attachment parenting stuff too. It's not my Blogger one; it's womanwithmanyhats.com. You're invited!
I LOVED seeing the video on H.R. Puffinstuff! That was my favorite show at one point. And all those show names brought back so many memories!
hey lissete
:o) love your blog title. that's very *me* too.
and i'm giggling that your wedding photo looks *very* like mine: hubby and i are celebrating eighteen years married this year.
happy partying :o)
great to meet you - so glad you are partying! If you live in Miami - isn't life pretty sweet all year long!??! But yes - Hawaii is ALWAYS a good thing!!! HAVE FUN!
It is nice to meet you! I am having so much funny reading about so many people. I just got back from a Hawaiian cruise, and had the time of my life! I can only imagine your anticipation!
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