Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I purposely buy the type that I don't like, so that I won't be tempted. So now I am stuck with 2 huge bowls of candy!
So how was your Halloween??
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Another HUGE Bloggy Giveaway!

*************I have a winner**************
For all you crafty people out there, I am offering up Punch Your Art Out & Punch Your Art Out 2. Both copies are new and ready to be put to good use. I will probably be posting a couple more giveaways before the week is up so check back soon.
Now for the details.
* Please be sure to post a comment and sign the Mr. Linky so that I can have a number record. I will be using to pick the winner. Only one Mr. Linky entry per person please.
* This giveaway is open to both bloggers & non-bloggers. If you do not have a blog, be sure to leave a valid email addy so that I can contact you.
* I'm sorry but at this time, I can only mail to US addresses.
* I will draw a winner on Saturday, November 3rd @ approx. 5PM.
So have fun visiting blogs, meeting new friends & maybe winning a prize!
If you have a chance,sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Meet the Jetsons!
I wanted to live in that house! That's not unusual for me though, seems like I generally suffered from "home envy". I also wanted to live in the Brady House. I don't think it had anything to do with the house itself though. Except for the Jetson house of course.
It probably had more to do with the family & way of life portrayed in the shows. Not that there was anything wrong with my family. Quite the contrary, I had a great family & a great childhood. I had both my parents & 2 brothers. But I was always fighting with one brother. And you never saw that on TV!
I even at one point wanted to live in the Walton's house (g'night John Boy) or the Ingall's house. For crissake. "Little" freakin' house on the Prairie. Walking a gazillion miles to school & back. No indoor plumbing! But, they never fought! Just for the record, we were not scarred for life due to our constant bickering. We both get along. Now.
Anyhoo, I just went off on a tangent. The point of this post is to see if you had seen this. That it may actually be around in the near future is quite scary. It was fun to imagine as a kid. But now, knowing how it is to drive in a metro city & being very familiar with road rage, I'm not too sure. What do you think???
Oh and here is a funny video from my YouTube addiction.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Halloween Costumes
Be sure to visit Dawn, she is one funny lady!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Giveaway Fun!


Monday, October 15, 2007
Days Like These....
I still feel like crap. My throat hurts. My bones hurt and my body is sore. I can't stop coughing. I have been in bed for the past 2 days. Had my girls been younger, that would not have been the case. Sure, I still would be sick. I would still feel like crap. I could feel like I were on my deathbed. But, I would still have to get up and tend to the girls. Unless, of course, Danny was home. He has always been a great daddy & hubby. If he was not at work he would tend to the girls and their needs. Still does. But now, even when he is at work, I can stay in bed and not have to worry about my kids not eating or being bathed. I don't have to help with homework or get them ready for bed. They do that all on their own. PLUS, they bring me my water and my meals.
Tomorrow is another day. When I feel better, I will miss not having little ones again. I will miss that the girls really don't need me as much as they used to. That they can, basically, make due on their own. But at the end of the day, I am still their mom. And if I had to, I would get up in a heartbeat and do whatever they needed me to.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The one time that I don't take Airborne before a flight and I get sick! Coincidence? I'm not sure anymore. I wonder if that stuff actually works?
Anyhoo, I need to feel better by Monday. I have not been to Target in over 3 weeks! I need my Target fix! I'm sure that I have missed out on some awesome deals! : )
In other news, I went to pay Danny's Amex today and I see 2 charges for airline tickets. LA-Minneapolis and MN-LA. Both while we were in Hawaii. According to the AMEX guy, quite possibly when we had dinner before we left on our trip, the waitress swiped our card on a personal swiper and was able to use our account. Thief! And to think that we tipped her over 20%! He suggests that we always watch when they swipe our card. SO we now must get up and follow our server when they swipe our card. Then we must explain that it is not personal but we really can't trust anyone anymore. Sad. Really, really sad.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Another Year Older
Ugh! I'm buying this for myself!
Anyhoo, I was going to catch up on the blogs but I would be lying if I said that I would. So, I will just start from today on. It would be an mission impossible to try to play catch up. I've already seen a few contests up, and I will share those later. I was so happy to learn that Rachel also won a pair of Ryka sneakers from their giveaway! I love giveaways!
Ta-Ta for now!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Dead Tired!
We totally enjoyed our entire vacation.
I got on 6 planes, 1 tiny propeller plane, and a freakin' helicopter!
. That is officially my all time favorite airline!
Big Island
And finally, because Danny truly believes that this street was named after me: