Just for You... Reviews by Lissete



Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another HUGE Bloggy Giveaway!

*************I have a winner**************

It's time for another huge bloggy giveaway!! Head on over to Shannon's @ Rocks In My Dryer to join in the fun! Last time there were over 400 hundred contests to enter. They will go live on Monday, October 29th so be sure to check back then. I am posting my giveaway now, in case I forget or get too busy on Monday.

My little giveaway for today is the following:

For all you crafty people out there, I am offering up Punch Your Art Out & Punch Your Art Out 2. Both copies are new and ready to be put to good use. I will probably be posting a couple more giveaways before the week is up so check back soon.

Now for the details.

* Please be sure to post a comment and sign the Mr. Linky so that I can have a number record. I will be using Random.org to pick the winner. Only one Mr. Linky entry per person please.

* This giveaway is open to both bloggers & non-bloggers. If you do not have a blog, be sure to leave a valid email addy so that I can contact you.

* I'm sorry but at this time, I can only mail to US addresses.

* I will draw a winner on Saturday, November 3rd @ approx. 5PM.

So have fun visiting blogs, meeting new friends & maybe winning a prize!

If you have a chance,sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page.


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Hey there! I can't believe I'm first! I doubt Random.org will pick number 1 though - haha.

Hope you are having a great weekend.


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Hey there! I can't believe I'm first! I doubt Random.org will pick number 1 though - haha.

Hope you are having a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about planning ahead! I haven't even decided what to give away yet! LOL!

Melissa said...

I love all things crafty! Please sign me up.

Hélène said...

Please enter me!

Amico Dio said...

I am just now getting into punch art so this will be so helpful. Please include me!

AngieB said...

i hav enever done punch art, but it look really interesting

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

I have been wanting to learn how to do punch art! Please include me in your drawing

Michelle said...

Crafty things are always great giveaways! :)

Anonymous said...

Fun giveaway! Count me in please!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Great contest!

~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

Count my in too, please!

Cecelia said...

Count me in please.

Anonymous said...

me too!!

Betsy said...


Memarie Lane said...

what a great gift! count me in!

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put my name down . . .

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

Tamara said...

I'm in for anything crafty!

My email address should you need it ;-) is mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com


Ginny said...

Love scrapping stuff!

Rockin' Mama said...

Hi there...I tried to sign the Mr. Linky but I don't know if it went through!

Here is my blog: http://jasonncaryn.blogspot.com

Sounds great because I love anything crafty!

Linda SS said...

I would really really really like to win these:) Thanks for the chance.

Reality Show Reject said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Christine said...

I'm really curious about these books, I've never seen them before. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

These look neat! Count me in!

Eden said...

Thanx for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Good luck with all the giveaways you enter.

Oh, please enter me for your giveaway as well. Thanx.


Damselfly said...

Hey! How are ya? Love this weather? Seems very ... Halloweenish.

Anonymous said...

What a great prize!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, please count me in. I love your background too.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

What a great prize. :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

LivingforGod said...

Please count me in. Thanks!

Liberty said...


add my name to the hat, if you will :)

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Not Much More Than This

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win these
Theresa n

Melissa Markham said...

Nifty! Count me in!

Saph said...

I love crafty stuff! Count me in!

Angela said...

Please enter me!!

Mommy said...

What a lovely prize! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Great for crafters like me. (texkahty@netcommander)

Unknown said...

please enter me in your contest

heather h said...

This is a fun giveaway. Thank you for your generosity.

Katy said...

Craft books are always great to have around! Thanks for hosting this contest!

Unknown said...

What a great give-away.


You can find contact with me through the contactform at the right top of my site, called: "contactform".

Feel welcome to enter my give-away!

Richelle said...

Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Nice giveaway, I am in.

PurpleMoose said...

me too, please. Sounds like fun

Unknown said...

Neat books, please count me in.

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