Walt Disney World will be celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year. As of October 1, 2011, I will have been going to WDW for 39 years and 10 months! We were originally supposed to go for my my 5th birthday in Oct of '71 but my parents, I guess to let them settle in and work out the kinks, decided to go in January instead.
I have seen some really neat retro 40th Anniversary merchandise, but I'm thinking that there really won't be a huge celebration this year. Especially since they are still in the middle of the Fantasyland expansion. Keeping with the retro theme, I would LOVE to see my all time favorite Pooh in his original costume. He was rounder and had a honey pot on his head. I know I have a picture somewhere! I would also like to see Dumbo with his big, floppy ears walking around the park again. Oh and the 3 Little Pigs and Gus & Jaq and ALL the dwarfs and...
I would love to see the the topiaries that lined the road to the entrance of the Magic Kingdom! Once we spotted those, our excitement level would triple! Then, my dad would tune in to the Disney Info Station on the radio and we would be bouncing off the walls!
I don't remember the crowds being as wild as they are now. The characters were free to roam with no one pushing & shoving. People in general are ruder now, so I can understand why characters need body guards. That's a shame!
You know what Disney? Just put everything back to how it was in 1972. Just for a few months ok? While you're at it, I wouldn't mind being 5 again. Thanks!
Here is a video that I found on
YouTube. It's not mine, but it could easily be mine since I have one that looks
exactly like that! I kept expecting to see a 5 year old me running around.
Even now, at my age, I still get tingly when I enter Disney property. I can not wait for the day that we have grandkids. Actually, strike that, there is no rush. My girls still need to finish school and all, but there is nothing quite like seeing WDW through the eyes of a child. Those are moments that you remember forever and take you back to how you felt when you first experienced the magic.
Now, the 50th Anniversary will probably be a huge shebang! I can only hope that I am around to see it...and maybe with a grandbaby or two! :-))
So, if you've been along for the ride with WDW for a while, what do you miss most from that era?