Just for You... Reviews by Lissete



Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways!!

***Comments Closed. I will announce winner on Saturday***
It is once again time for the massive Bloggy Giveaways Carnival. For my giveaway this time, since I know ya'll can't get enough of Christmas,
I have put together a little package of stuff.
Who needs Valentine's Day anyway????

For a chance to win, all you need to do is leave a comment. Not just any comment though. "Hey", "Hi" or "Pick me" won't work this time. I am going to make you work for it. Just tell me what one thing you'd like to do or place you'd like to visit before you die. I'm all about my Life List and I am currently working on accomplishing my life goals. Thing is that my list keeps getting longer because I am afraid that maybe when I'm done with it all, it's ok to go. :)

Anyhoo, this drawing is open to bloggers & non bloggers, but you must leave a way for me to contact you should you win. I can only ship to US & Canada. Since I don't have a cute kid to pick a name out of a hat for me. And since my girls would more than likely roll their eyes at me if I asked them to, my winner wil be chosen by Random.org on Saturday, Feb.2nd. I will contact you and post on my blog. One entry per person.

So you want me to stop yakking and tell you what's up for grabs? Like I said, it's a collection of Christmas Stuff. Here is a picture:

Making Memories Vintage Snowflakes Ornament Kit

Includes: 6 preglittered snowflakes, 6 Ribbons, 18 self adhesive gems, 3 self adhesive metal charms, & a sheet of rub ons.

Pack of 12 sheets Holiday Paper Plus Matching Envelopes and Card Attachments

Light Blue & Snowflakes

Pack of Red, White & Green Cards & Matching Green Envelopes

Plus Matching Card Attachments

Finally, I am also including a Jim Brickman Christmas Romance CD

In total this prize package retails for about $50.

But, it can all be yours if the Price is Right your name is drawn!

Have fun bloggy hopping!


1 – 200 of 233   Newer›   Newest»
Melissa said...

Wonder if Random likes the number one?

Hmm. I think before I die, I'd like to go to the Smithsonian in DC. It doesn't sound like a big goal, right? But I love history, and I love museums, and that seems to me to be the ultimate American museum.

Boy, I need to get a life, don't I?

~~Deby said...

Would love to go to Israel....

Add my name in, please

yesipray at gmail dot com

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

I would love to visit the lakes district in England.

CrystalGB said...

I would like to visit Australia some day. I love your giveaway. :)

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Jackie said...

Before I die I would love to listen to that Jim Brickman CD. Hee Hee.
Seriously, I would love to visit every country in South America.

Alaina said...

What a fun giveaway! I love Jim Brickman! My list is rather long but one dream is to go to culinary school. But I guess more realistically - visit Thailand.

Katie said...

Ooh, I like the ornament/crafty stuff! I have always wanted to take a cake decorating class and am still planning on doing it someday...Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Wendy Sue said...

I would LOVE to visit Australia before I die...I've dreamed of visiting there since I was a little girl! :o)

Tammy and Parker said...

I'd simply love for Parker to be healthy. And to win this giveaway!

Tammy and Parker

Wendy Sue said...

I would LOVE to visit Australia before I die...I've dreamed of visiting there since I was a little girl! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love to travel, but my top pick would be Australia or New Zealand!


Someone Being Me said...

I want to go to Italy with my husband. That is something we plan on doing on an important anniversary like 25 years.

idyll hands said...

Ooooh - Jim Brickman Christmas music - love it! Count me in.

Andrea said...

One thing I want to do before I die is hold my great-grandchildren!!

I'm Canadian...can I still play?

doodlebugmom said...

Maybe random will pick me! (ok probably not, but I will play anyway!)

I would love to spend an autumn in New England, touring all the historical places. And build my dream house.

Linda - if I win, leave me a comment on my blog.

Snowbird said...

One thing I want to do is go up in a Hot Air Balloon. My hubby has acrophobia so I would have to go alone.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to take my kids to Washington DC. And I love Christmas things all year 'round.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have two....I would like to go to Ireland and Italy.

Stacey said...

Long term - Ireland
short term - New York

Please enter me in your contest.



Mrs. Hewett said...

This is a great giveaway! My husband and I really want to travel to Scotland and the UK and tour some of those awesome castles. Thanks for including me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, this looks great!

Well, I'd like to become a grandmother sometime in the next 5-10 years, but that's not really up to me. :-) I'd also like to write a book.


Hélène said...

I really want to visit Italy. And Switzerland, but Italy more.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I would love to visit England before I die...


mama2drama said...

I have asked to go to New York for my 30th! Here's hoping

Anonymous said...

I have a Life List too:

1. Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reefs in Australia
2. Fill or come close to filling my passport full of stamps
3. Get married to my prince charming
4. Become a mom
5. Go Parasailing
6. Retire a millionare
7. Learn to make sushi
8. Go go Germany & England to trace my family history
9. Own a Corvette
10. Write a novel
11. Have said novel published
12. Own a horse
13. Swim with dolphins
14. Take a cruise
15. Go skydiving - done
16. Actually look forward to going into work because I love it - done
17. Go flyfishing
18. Travel to all 50 states of America (and collect something from each)
19. Visit the San Juan Islands
20. Visit the San Antonio Riverwalk
21. Go to Niagara Falls
22. Read all of the Harry Potter books

Jenn said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to go on a Caribbean cruise sometime in my life.

Kristi said...

My husband and I want to visit all 50 states at least once.

Jeni said...

I would like to see the sun rise on all 7 continents.

Billie said...

I want to learn to knit, go back to school to become a PA, and go to many countries including Egypt. I have a lot to do in my life :)

April said...

I love to travel and would love to just take off and travel around the world stopping every place I've ever wanted to go or see. But.....if I had to pick one place (or two), I would pick Australia or Ireland. And, of course, I would want my family there with me.
Thanks for the giveaway.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

I have traveled a bit, but the one thing that I would really like to do is drive across the country with my husband, stopping whereever we want to. It's a fantasy. Susan

RLE said...

I would love to travel Europe before I die and another goal is to live overseas at some point - not sure where, maybe Australia or New Zealand.

Qtpies7 said...

I have been working hard at my life goal for the last 18 years, but I really have little control over it. I want to have twins!!!

windycindy said...

Hi, We hosted a Swiss exchange student many years ago. She now lives in New Zealand with her husband and 4 children! We have kept in touch all of these years. I would love to go see Heidi and her family! Thanks,Cindi

Anonymous said...

I would like to sky dive (hopefully not RIGHT before I die!). Great give away, thanks!

Jenny said...

Great giveaway & idea for a post. I too have a list going. I'd like to work on a little self sustaining cottage in the woods for my husband & I.

Kristy said...

Ooh, I love Christmas stuff!

I actually have a list going, my very own Bucket List, so to speak, but one of the things that has been on it since I was in college is to visit Hawaii.

Bree said...


Michelle@Life with Three said...

I'd love to visit Santorini. Every time I see pictures of it, they take my breath away! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway sounds great. I would like to swim with dolphins,where ever that could happen would be great.
Would love for you to enter me!

Nise' said...

Visit all 50 states. I have 21 more to go!

Amber said...

Cool, Christmas stuff! I love Christmas. One thing I would like to do before I die... finish and publish the book I started writing. That would be very fulfilling. :)

Marcia said...

I would love to get the chance to visit Paris! After 5 years of French, I'd like to see how much (or little) I know haha!

Marilyn B said...

Ooo La La what a great giveaway enter me please! I would like to visit Paris before I die. (I just need to get over the fear of flying part before I ever visit)

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I'd like to visit Japan.

Jenna Z said...

Both my husband and I would love to visit Japan. I don't know if we'll ever get there but that would be our dream vacation!

Wendy said...

I would love to own my own scrapbook store before I die:)

Shannon said...

Before I die...I would love to go on an Alaskan Cruise. It is something that dh and I have been talking about for awhile...but it isn't happening any time soon!

Eden said...

One place I'd absolutely love to go is Iran. That is where my husband's father is from and it is rich in culture, even though right now it is an absolute mess over there.

Oh, I'd love to win! Please count me in! Thank you!

I'm doing a giveaway on both of my blogs:



I'll be doing a new giveaway everyday until Friday. Thought you might want to know.


Britt said...

Great giveaway! The one thing I want more than anything in this whole world before I die is to become a mommy ...my husband & I have battled infertility for the past 7 years.

~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

I want to vacation in Italy. Two weeks would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I want to visit Ireland before I die.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Angela said...

I would like for my whole FAMILY to go on a mission trip to Africa to help the children there.

Jen said...

I would like to go to Bora Bora with my husband!

Re said...

id love a trip to mexico! :)

Pearl said...

Italy...I really hope to get there.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

peg42 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to visit Hawaii someday. Please enter me and thanks again.

Rachie S. said...

Visit India so I can meet my husband's family and introduce them to our children. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Kyra said...

I'd like to take a cruise to Alaska. Great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Yay, I love Christmas too!! I would love to visit the Czech Republic because my heritage is Czech and I would like to see Prague especially.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Great giveaway! I would love to win these items.

One thing I would like to do before I leave this earth is either have children of my own, or adopt.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Europe and see all of the wonderful buildings there!!!

~ Kim

Hollie said...

I would love to walk the path Christ took in his last days.

Keryn said...

I would love to visit the Galapagos Islands someday. I love volcanoes!

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to go to Mexico. monk5@charter.net

Jennwith4 said...

Ireland I've always wanted to visit there.

Carrie said...

I would like to see the Grand Canyon.
Thanks for the give away.

Anonymous said...

Italy...it is on my list.

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Be sure to enter mine.

Christy said...

I want to travel to Tokyo to see a good friend from high school

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd like to go to the Panama Canal - I was born there, on an Army base (both my parents were in the service at the time) but we left when I was about 18 months old. So I'd like to go back and see it with adult eyes.

This is a great giveaway, by the way - thanks!

fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

I blogged this just a week or two ago! Something I'd like to do is see the tides at the Bay of Fundy in Cananda.

tgerner at att.net

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the Great Wall of China in person. Though curling up with a sweet man while listening to Brickman would be nice too (hint, hint!).

Krista said...

The one thing I'd like to do is live in a Spanish speaking country long enough to get to know it really well and also not have to think before I speak AKA be confident in my language skills.
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

heather h said...

I'd love to go back to Ireland. It is a beautiful country. The people there are lovely and so friendly. What a nice giveaway, I know I'd have fun crafting with my toddler who will be 2 next year at Christmas. I'd love to win!

Your blog is so pretty!

Michelle said...

I'd like to visit Australia one of these days!

What a great Christmas kit!

Katie B said...

I want to visit Spain (and really practice my Spanish), complete a half-marathon (or if I am very adventurous, a marathon), and find a job I love (instead of one I like/just tolerate). Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca said...

I'd love to take my kids on a family trip to Disneyland. That was our best family vacation when I was young and I'd love to give my kids that memory too.

Double Happiness said...

I would definitely want to go gliding/parachuting.

Team Zachary said...

I want to live to see my grandkids
I want to read the entire bible
I want to go to Greece
I want to successfully fly a kite
I want to jump out of an airplane, with an parachute that's going to work!!!
I want to get to the point of no more diapers in my house without killing myself!!!
I want to see the Grand Canyon
I want to hit a jackpot in Vegas!!!!

And on, and on!!!

Thanks for the great opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

I want to go to London, England even if it's just once. I'm half English and that part of the world has always interested me. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Ginny said...

I'm torn between London & Scotland, so I'd like to take a trip to both before I die.

United Studies said...

Hmm...I would love to go to Antartica. I have to see it just once. :-)

Liz said...

I really want to go to Italy sooooooo bad!

Teri said...

I would like to be a Mommy before I die...hopefully it's in God's plan, because it hasn't been for the past 2.5+ years :(

Kierra said...

I want to be successful in my business career.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Great giveaway and fun game! I'd like to go to Alaska sometime... by way of Canada (road trip!)... either that or England. I just love to travel!

Ben and April said...

I would love to see all 50 states! Thanks for the great prizes!


Chia said...

I would like to live in a home that overlooks the water. It could be the sea or a large lake, it doesn't matter. I'd just like to get up each morning and look out at the wet beauty.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I'd like to win!

megret7 said...

I'd love to visit Japan one day. Thanks! ( meg.wilson@gmail.com )

Anonymous said...

One thing that I would like to do before I die is write a book, whether it gets published or not. Thank you for the chance to win a neat collection of Christmas stuff!

Peggie said...

I would love to see the grand canyon. NOW will you pick me?

Reality Show Reject said...

I would love to visit Italy. Or Alaska. I've only traveled close to where I live in Western KY, so anywhere would be great to me. Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca said...

Beautiful prize. I'd love to go to Mt. Rushmore and the Grand Canyon.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Australia some day.

Carissa said...

I've always wanted to go to Dublin, Ireland.

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit more of Europe, specifically England and Italy, before I die.

Angela said...

Id love to go see ireland before I die... or egypt.. :)

Cindy said...

Ooooh my heart skipped a beat when I saw the Jim Brickman CD - LOVE HIM! Anyway, I'd love to go to Hawaii, just once!

Uniquely Yours said...

I would love to quit my job and make-it as a full-time artist.

Missy said...

There are so many things I want to do and see before I die! I would like to see all more four children get married and meet each of my grandchildren.....my oldest is only 14, almost 15, so I can wait on the grandchildren. I want to see each of my children happy and healthy.....
Plus, a trip to Disneyland would be fun :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!


c allen said...

my dream is to to take my family to disneyworld before i die.

Carolynn said...

Great giveaway!
Before I die I would love to go see Prince Edward Island, Canada. And see a Gaither Homecoming Concert live. :)

Kristin said...

love the giveaway count me in delandkristin@hotmail.com

Linda SS said...

This actually has happened to me and I wanted to go on a cruise to Alaska, so my husband took me a couple years ago. Then my mother offered to take me on a vacation & I chose a cruise to Hawaii. I learned to snorkle & it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life! If I am blessed with another vacation, it will be on the Disney cruise with my 6 yr. old granddaughter:)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to go to French Polynesia, five star all the way!

rookiem at live dot com

Suzie Williams said...

I've never wanted to travel anywhere internationally, but I would love to take a family vacation to Orlando before I die. Disney World, Sea World, and Universal would all be great.

mommyofmany said...

Someday I'd like to visit New England in the fall.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

i would love to go to Australia,i dont know if id want to come back though!!cool giveaway ahdrad2932@msn.com

Jen said...

I have always wanted to rent a house in Ireland for a month and take hubby and the kids and grandparents and enjoy the countryside. I do genealogy so this would be great too....

Count me in your drawing..sounds great.

maggie said...

What a great giveaway! I love all things Christmas. Please count me in. My wish is to meet my special soulmate and to visit Ireland since so many of our ancestors come from there. Hey maybe I can combine the two!!!!

Frances said...

I would like to go on a mission trip with my husband so that he can use his gifts for medical care (he'll be a nurse) to bring physical and spiritual healing to those with so little.

Thanks for asking.

phxbne said...

Angkor Wat in Cambodia - I have wanted to go there since I was a little girl

sassy2 said...

I would love to visit my heritage country of Greece.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go to Hawai. katie_mmartin@yahoo.com

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Ooh, getting ready for next Christmas already! I love it.
I would like to take my children to Ocracoke, NC, where I have fond memories of weeks in March spent in semi-solitude with my parents - we'd often be shelling / walking / birding on the beach all day and not see another soul. I want my kids to experience that.

goalmom said...

At the top of my list is a trip to England to visit some of their beautiful castles.

ahiltz said...

Oh, wow! I love your giveaway you are doing! I am a scrapbooker and love all the goodies you have there! Crossing my fingers you pick me! LOL! Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

Now don't laugh ... but the one place I would LOVE to see before I die is Hawaii. But not just any place, I want to see the set for the show LOST ... my absolute fav show EVA. My hubs laughed when I told him that!

Angela S said...

I want to stay at my preferred level of fitness for more than a year before I die. Preferably like 5 or 10 years but we'll start easy at 1.

Thanks for putting on this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Very cool prize! I love Jim Brickman! :-) One place I'd like to visit is Australia!

Anonymous said...

I would like to feel easily beautiful before and die and take an in-depth tour of Europe. Actually, the Holy Land would be neat, but to scary! cbright@winford.com

Montserrat said...

I want to write children's book someday, or visit Barcelona, Spain, the place of my ancestors.

Kristan said...

I would love to go visit my sister in Finland!

ETXmomof2 said...


Miss Notesy said...

I want to go to Australia. :-)

Thanks for the giveaway! What a great prize. I can't believe how many people are entered ahead of me. I doubt I'll win, but it's nice to visit your blog! Have fun this week. :-)


Custom, handmade greeting cards that you design yourself--all under $8:

My blog:

Brittany said...

Haha! I have a life's goals list too! And it does just keep getting longer ... Anyways, I would love to visit New Zealand.


gail said...

i would love to visit greece someday. i had a greek penpal in jr high and fell in love with the way she described her country.

Char said...

i'd like to see my great grand babies, and play bingo in the old folks home with my old friends, wearing splashy polyester clothes!!



Becky said...

I want to visit Australia before I die.

Anonymous said...

I want to have a large family (naturally and by adoption).

Liz said...

I would like to travel as many places as possible with my hubby and kids.

Carmom said...

Before I die I would like to visit Hawaii before I die.

Tracy DeLuca said...

I want to travel the US before I die. See all of the great country. Not just things like the grand canyon but the little things too. Please enter me!

Amanda Moore said...

One place I would like to visit before I die is Jamaica, I love the bright blue waters and who doesn't love the ocean?

mamaL said...

oooh, I'd love to spend a month exploring Alaska! Great giveaway!

Little Piddles said...

I would love to go to Paris or Hawaii.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Hmmm...I had a list, but finally accomplished the last two...skydiving and visiting Germany. What would my new goal be? I guess to retire and make enough money that I don't have to go to work somewhere making minimum wage to supplement my meager retirement pay. Enjoy playing with grandchildren. And be relatively healthy and pain-free. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Great giveaway - if I win, please contact me at dmj53@hotmail.com

Gloria said...

Before I die I want to go to Venice, Italy and ride in a gondola.

Whitney said...

Oh my, well if you have read down this far then perhaps I have a chance.

Lissete, I would love to pack my kids in a car with our travel trailer towing behind and wander throughout the continental US. I just think that it would be so much fun for all of us to be together and explore our country. It probably won't happen but I can dream can't I.


Anonymous said...

id have to say see my kids and grandkids grow up
enter me please

Anonymous said...

I would like to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and spend the day then go to the Twenty One club for dinner. I have read tons about both of these places over the years and would like to see them for myself.

Tes283 said...

Gather your patience and go Amtrak across America. Search their site to find a cheap 3 zone discount fare. Be patient because they are NEVER on time - up to 13 hours late.
See America. We are beautiful.

Valerie said...

I would love to go to Bali!

Marly said...

I've been all over North America, but someday, I WILL get off of this continent! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to learn how to play piano!

Thank you much!

art and nature [at] juno *dot* com

Melissa said...

Please enter me! I'd like to visit Disney World before I die! Thanks!

Richelle said...

Getting caught up on my scrapbooking :)
No, really I would like to go back to Scotland for a visit.

threelilmnms said...

I'd love to win!
I'd love to visit Israel.
Thank you for hosting! Leinani

Amy L said...

I would love to go to Italy, especially Venice and Rome, and I would also like to find out where my Dad's Italian relatives are, and visit them.

Taryn said...

I'd love to see Greece!

Katie said...

What a GREAT giveaway!! I would love to go to Israel! Thanks for the chance to win!!


Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Great question! I would love to visit my family's ancestral home in the Netherlands. Apparently, there's a castle with a moat and everything!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Smellyann said...

I would love to visit Europe - but we're going to this summer! And Australia. And Japan and China and, well, most of Asia. But especially space. ;)

Sahm Lee said...

I really want to go to Ireland with my SO. I'm hoping one say I will get to go.

Sheila said...

I'd love to spend a whole season in another part of the world. Just to really soak it in.

Anonymous said...

This sounds crazy, but just to the beach with my daughter is where I would love to go..she is only 12 months and I can't wait to take her! Fins2thrite@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I want to go on a Safari and write a book. Maybe right a book about going on a safari. And also travel to all 7 continents, yes including Antarctica. Okay, that's more than one, but there ya go!

mtmommy said...

I would really like to go to Greece! What a fun gift! Thanks!!!

Karen said...

I would love to visit England, Paris, Italy, Alaska, Hawaii, and Wisconsin. Thanks:)

megan said...

European tour or Jerusalem.

And I love christmas!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! :D

One place I'd love to visit is Hawaii! :)


Nicole said...

I have been all over the US....and Canada, but I have never left North America. I just want to "cross the pond" before I die!

Stacey said...

i love christmas anytime!

i like to flea market shop!

i would love to visit greece!

Laura Marchant said...

I would love to go to Paris!

Anonymous said...

I finally went up in a hot air balloon, so I can take that off of my list! I'd still LOVE to visit Switzerland.

Sarah said...

I'd like to visit Ireland and Hesse, Germany which is where my ancestors are from.

SeekingHim@gmail dot com

NerdMom said...

I want to go to Israel, finish my bs and get everyone potty trained;).

Anonymous said...

I think I would enjoy visiting Madrid, Spain. I saw a Travel Channel special on Madrid and I think it would be so much fun!!!


Shana said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in and thanks for giving us the chance to win. :o)

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit Africa before I die.

jafarhie [at] yahoo [dot] com

Sassyfrazz said...

Oh one place I really want to go is Ireland! It looks so beautiful in the movies and pictures!
Thanks for a super giveaway and your generosity!
I have 3 contests going on right now, so stop on by to enter!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Huse Yo Mama said...

I want to skydive before I die! Yep, that's it!!!

kelly said...

I want to go to Japan!

Heather said...

I'd love to go anywhere overseas. I've never been out of the US. Thanks!

And check out my give a way!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have a novel published, or go back to Ireland to visit, or visit some other country I've never been to. Hmmm - I should make such a list. :)

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

adashofsassitude (at) thesilvas (dot) com

Anne said...

I'd really want to go back to Budapest where I met my husband. It is gorgeous there and holds great memories for us.

Jon and Sarah said...

I would love to visit Italy before I die.

Ellen said...

one place I would like to go is The Netherlands - I have visited a few other European countries but this is the next one I want to go see!

Theresa N. said...

I'd love to visit England.

ktrae said...

Before I die I want to visit New York City. I also want to leave the country at least once.

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to go to schooling on becoming an EMT/paramedic. It's a career field that I'm interested in.


Staci @ 7 on a Shoestring said...

Scrapbooking and Jim Brickman ... awesome!

My most favorite place has recently become Italy ... I'd LOVE to go someday!

Jeanette J said...

What I'd like to do is travel to Transylvania/Romania to see Dracula's castle..preferably around Halloween

Nordly said...

I don't even have to think about it very hard lol. I would love to visit Japan before I die, especially the Sakura Blossom Festivals in the spring. Now if I would only win the Lottery... mmmmm... ;D

Crystal said...

Great giveaway, I'd love to enter. :)

I would most like to conquer all my phobias and anxiety issues. I would also LOVE to visit Italy & Ireland... but I have to get rid of the anxiety stuff first. ;)

I have a giveaway too if you'd like to check it out!

Whitney said...

The one thing I want to do before I die is go all the way down Route 66! I think that would be so much fun! :)

Rach said...

Go to Italy!

Marci said...

We would like to visit China, my daughter is completely obsessed with anything to do with China!

Anonymous said...

I would love to visit Sicily!
zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

OMGosh, great pkg. I'm a crafter!
I would sooo love to go to an Elton John concert. Since I was a young girl, and heard his song 'Your Song', before I knew there was a music industry. His music is what I grew up to. Thanks for entering me...:) bluemoonbynite at yahoo dot com

IreneO said...

I'd like to visit India, preferably with someone from there who knows the language and customs.

CozyMoments said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway! :) Thank You. :)

Lisa Garner said...

Before I die I want to visit Greece. It look like such a beautiful country and I would love to see the Parthanon. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Betty C said...

Before I die I would like to visit every state. The United States has so much to offer and I want to see it all.

paryjeja said...

I would love to visit Ireland some day.

Katharine said...

I'd love to go to Italy. It's been my dream ever since I can remember.

Sunshine said...

Someday, I want to go to Scotland, that has always been on my list!

Just Me :) said...

I would love to go to visit Newfoundland Canada someday, and then British Columbia. I hope to visit all the Canadian provinces before I die. :) Please enter me into your draw. Thank you! :)

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