I must be the luckiest human being in the world! Every single day I get notice in my email that I have won a lottery. Or that some kind soul in Nigeria or in the UK has left me a gazillion dollars just because. These oh so kind strangers in the UK generally greet me in their email as "Dear beloved in Christ". This one poor lady has "limited days to live due to the stroke and cancerous problems"[sic] She wants to donate 17.5 million pounds
of bullsh*t to me!!! How exciting is that???
In the last week or so, I have also won a brand new BMW 5 Series,
M Sport Saloon car and a cash prize of £250,000.00 GBP. That of course is in addition to all the other cash that I have been awarded.
I'm off to buy out Target!
Wow, you are lucky! I usually just get male anatomy enlarging things :/
Linda -
Well, I'm so lucky that I keep getting calls from Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain!
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