No, I don't mean dating as in going out with myself. I may not have a life but my husband does take me on dates. I mean showing my true age. I don't even remember what I was googling but I came upon this site. Man! Practically all my memories of childhood games came flooding back!
We didn't have Wii's and stuff back then. We played real games with real people. We used our imagination alot and sometimes made up our own games. We all owned a Spaldeen and our school had an endless supply as well. We also had similar soft rubber balls that were pink as well, only larger that we used for kickball, boxball, dodgeball and more! Oh, and tether ball! I LOVED tether ball!
We didn't have Wii's and stuff back then. We played real games with real people. We used our imagination alot and sometimes made up our own games. We all owned a Spaldeen and our school had an endless supply as well. We also had similar soft rubber balls that were pink as well, only larger that we used for kickball, boxball, dodgeball and more! Oh, and tether ball! I LOVED tether ball!
It's funny how on their game roster they have a "game" called "running around". Basically, that really was somethng that we did all.the.time! Day in & day out. We were rarely inside the house. Unless it rained. Then we made up games for indoors. We used to play Queen chase King in school with erasers on top of our heads! Mother May I, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light. Fun times!
I also got a kick out of the games for little girls section. I was queen of hopscotch & jacks. I jumped rope but did not really rock at that! But the clap & rhyme games.... those were my favorite. Concen-tration, Rockin' Robin, Miss Susie & Miss Mary Mack. I found myself singing these the entire day today!
I'm sure that I'll remember some more since I'm on this memory lane kick. What games did you love as a kid????

Oh awesome site!!
I loved playing dodge ball and teether ball. Oh those were the days.
Hope all is well with you!
Gave you another blog award, stop by and pick it up!
Thanks for the memories... ahh, good times.
Miss Mary mack mack mack...
My fav was Red Rover. Sure brings back memories!
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