They are going to find TEN kids who are dealing with serious illness and periods of hospitalization and gift them each with a PSP Bundle.
I know that many do not like to hear about kids with life threatning illnesses. But the sadly, it is a reality in many young lives. I have mentioned Coleman several times on my blog. Coleman & his twin brother were 2 1/2 years old when he was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma.
I am nominating Coleman for this gift from Sony.
The following is directly from Coleman's Carepage and is written by his mommy:
Coleman had a tumor the size of a tangerine embedded in his cerebellum. It was removed 5 days after diagnosis. Surgery for a port was ahead and Soon saline, heprin, blood counts, transfusion, were all words our two year olds added to their vocab too. Coleman completed a year of chemo, with very little side effects. Exactly one year to the date of diagnosis we went in for our 12th chemo stay with a routine MRI. This was relapse day, and if we thought we had fear the year before, relapse makes that seem small. Two tumors were growing in the same spot as the other, with cancer cells also in the spinal fluid.
Chemo was stopped and we went straight to radiation. Coleman did 7 wks of radiation with no sedation. Caden was there every day to talk to him over the loud speaker during his treatments. They turned it into one big party and actually LOVED going each day.
The tumors responded but had not disappeared. The doctors recommended a stem cell transplant. A central line was placed and in Feb. of '08 Coleman's own cells were harvested and frozen. He received his transplant on St. Patricks Day and spent 28 days inpatient recovering.
There is STILL one spot the doctors are monitoring closely. *** Update as of 8/08 Coleman relapsed 4 months after stem cell transplant with 7 small tumors found in his spine and positive spinal fluid...after much research, the Larson's have traveled to Sloan Kettering in New York to persue further treatment for Coleman.
Caden has been the medicine no doctor could prescribe. The bond the two of them share along with our amazing family and friends, our community and faith in God has gotten us through a time we wondered how we could ever get through. Cancer has changed us, we appreciate the small things in life and cherish the friendships we've made. We live each day to the fullest and don't sweat the small things we once did. Coleman has taught us all that ATTITUDE and FAITH can make a big difference in how you choose to deal with cancer. HE has taught us the true meaning of determination. Cancer takes away so much, but it can't take away the amazing spirit Coleman has displayed each and every chapter of his journey.
Coleman says, "some day I won't need NO more meds or pokes, wight mommy? THEN I tan be NO-MAL!" Amen to that, but I don't think this kid will ever be described as NORMAL, he's way too special for that!
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