One week from tomorrow, my baby graduates from high school. I still remember her pre-school graduation vividly! For crissake, I still remember the day she was born like it was yesterday!
So on June 1st, I will join thousands of other people @ the arena to hopefully be able to at least hear my daughter's name being called. That is not a misprint. Although hers is the first graduating class from that school, they still have over 500 seniors. Take that and multiply it by at least 4 family members each plus faculty & staff and we are probably looking at about 3000 bodies. Next year it will be worse, Kari has about 700 kids in her graduating class! Oh, joy!
How beautiful - I know I say that every time you post a picture of your girls, but it's true!
Have fun, and I hope you can hear her name!
Holy crap this makes me want to cry. I don't want my babies to grow up, NOPE. ~sniff~
Congratulations Mom! She is a beautiful young lady.
How funny - the poses are almost exactly the same!
I bet the time just flew by! My daughter graduates from preschool next week. *sniff*
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