I hate living in darkness. That is why we bought this house, because of the gazillion windows. I like light. I hate living in a cave. Those gazillion windows turn into a major pain in Danny's ass around this time of year. He just shuttered them all up yesterday. And I tell you, it's not an easy task.
He finished 98% by himself, but fortunately his friend came by after work to help with the last, and hardest one on the second floor.
So now I am living in a cave. Darkness depresses me and makes me sleepy all the time. Even after the storm, we will be in semi-darkness till November. We only take off some of the 1st floor shutters until the season is over.
I still have not been able to fuel up my car. The lines have been outrageous plus many stations ran out of gas. I still have to bring in our furniture from outside. And to add to my pain, Danny is officially on duty. So the girls and I will be riding it out alone. Not a very happy camper to say the least.
Well, I better go watch the next advisory.