The paramedics come up to my car & I just about died. Remember, Danny is a FF/Para, these are his friends!
Anyhoo, back to the point of this post. On the way back home after dropping off the girls yesterday, I pass by this house on the block before mine. This lady jumps out of the car in her spiderman pj bottoms, superman top & sunglasses!!! The sun is not out yet! I honk my horn at her to show my support & comraderie. I think she got scared. Until, I pointed at my own Tinkerbell attire. Then, she seemed to realize our connection. Laughed and gave me the thumbs up! Although I may have seemed like a creepy weirdo, I was just so happy to know that I am not the only one.
I bet you made her day!
I never leave the house without my bra....not gonna happen.
That is so funny! I've never driven my kids to school in pj's, but have come close. If I'm running late, I just throw the pj bottoms off, and slip on a pair of jeans - but leave the pj top on!
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