Just for You... Reviews by Lissete



Thursday, October 23, 2008

Guess I won't get a sticker!

I went to vote yesterday. Figured I'd avoid the rush. They estimated that the wait was about 4 hours! Nope, it's not gonna happen. Tried again this morning, went down a bit. Just 3 hours. Came home and sent out my absentee request. Call me lazy, but do you realize how much I can get done in 4 hours???? Plus, I avoid all the drama that goes on in line while waiting. I just won't get a sticker!

We may not all have the same views, but thats ok, we're lucky to be able to choose which one we agree with personally. I may not share the same views with some friends and even family members, but it doesn't mean that I love them any less. Same goes for bloggyland. I don't rag on other people's blogs just because I do not agree with them, and I would expect the same courtesy.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't wait that long either. I wonder if I can still sign-up for a mail in ballot?

Rachel said...

I can make a sticker for ya!! LOL

You voted!! Nothing wrong for doing it the way you did. We are gonna vote early too. Just think how long the lines will be on election day. Crazy I am sure.

Hey thanks for the name in the hat for me!!


Melissa said...

Yay! My husband has already voted too, because he works out of town for almost 12 hours every Tuesday. He'll be back here before the polls close, but he knew he wouldn't feel like standing in line after all that. Thankfully, I can go whenever I like, so I can try to pick an off-peak time.

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