One in three American women die from heart disease, making it the leading killer of women in America. In 2002, heart disease killed more women than breast cancer, lung cancer and strokes combined, according to statistics from the National Heart Lung and Blood institute.
Have a heart. A healthy one. Make a promise to love- and protect- your heart today!
I meant to post this on the 2nd but I forgot. As many of you know, I had a heart attack in 2002 at the age of 35. I was thin & physically active. I don' smoke either. But I have a family history. My dad passed away at the age of 37 after suffering a massive heart attack. I got the genes.
I urge everyone to see your doctor & get a check-up.
To get started you can take the Go Red Heart Check-Up today.
There is also a lot of great info at Women Heart.
Wow, what a story - thanks for sharing, and for reminding us to take care of ourselves!
THat still always amazes me.
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